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Why We Should Have One Mango a Day

Yum, Mangoes!

By VeronicaPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
The Most Delicious Nutrition Filled Fruit

Mangoes... Yummy! Have you ever wondered about this delicious juicy fruit?

I thought you would never ask!

The question is, what is a Mango?

According to dictionary.com, a mango is a fleshy, oval, yellowish-red tropical fruit that is eaten ripe or used green for pickles or chutneys.

Mango, this delicious fruit you can eat them fresh in slices or in cubes, you can add them to your smoothie, or even add them in your salad. This yummy fruit is filled with many nutrients giving our body the health it needs.

Growing up, mangoes were always my favorite fruit and to this day it still is. Unfortunately, when I was younger I did not always have easy access to buying fresh mangoes the way I wished. It was until recently when I moved out to a different state on the west coast. I found myself eating at least one or two fresh mangoes a day. I finally had access to fresh mangoes any time of the day I wanted. They are the best during the perfect season... Well, depending on which mango you want. You can check out that chart I added below of the six varieties of mangoes and when they are in season.

Any who, I cannot express how delicious they are!! I knew they were always a healthy fruit for our body but I never knew in what ways. This is when I decided to do my research and find out what this juicy fruit can offer for our bodies.

Most of us have heard the saying "an apple a day keeps the doctors away," well the same saying goes for mangoes... And here is why.

1) Nutritional Value

They hold a lot of nutritional value. When we consume one mango a day we are acquiring magnesium, fibre, potassium, vitamin A, which is for vision, vitamin B, which prevents heart disease, and vitamin C, which is an immune booster. Research has also found out that eating fresh mangoes help produce more number of red blood cells in our body.

Can you believe that?

2) Helps Lose Weight

Yes, you really did read that right! Mangoes can help you lose weight. This fruit is cholesterol free, fat free, and salt free therefore they don't add on calories like some fruits do. It is very rich in vitamin C and nutrients which helps us feel full after eating. And the fibres that mangoes possess boost our stomach's digestive functions by burning excess fat.

Awesome, right!?

3) Cancer Fighting

Could it be too good to be true? I did not believe it when I found out that this fruit fights against cancer. But it is in fact true. The antioxidants such as isoquercitrin, quercetin, astragalus, fisetin, methyl palate, and garlic acid, that are found in mangoes actually protect our body against these types of cancer—prostate, breast, colon, and leukemia cancer.

Crazy, huh?

4) Good for Eyes

Yes, just like carrots, mangoes are rich in Vitamin A. According to the research, a cup of the sliced mangoes will supply 25 percent of the needed daily value of vitamin A, which will do much benefit for our eyesight. Making it a perfect fruit to improve eye sight. In addition, it also prevents night blindness and dry eyes.

5) Strengthens Immunity

Because mangoes are full of 25 different carotenoids (which is thought to provide health benefits in decreasing the risk of disease such as eye disease and cancer,) vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C, it keeps our immune system healthy and strong.

There you have it. If you are ever craving anything sweet and juicy but don't want anything fattening and want to add nutrients to your body, your best choice is to eat a mango or two. After all they are juicy, delicious, fresh, and amazing for your health.

Now I'm definitely ready to go eat me a mango or two.

Variety of Mangoes and Their Seasons


About the Creator


Exploring the world through words. 🌍✍️ Articles, stories, and poems on places, food, family fun, and the beauty of everyday life. Join me on a journey of discovery and imagination.

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