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Foods to Try to Improve Your Health

Find out what kinds of foods you should start adding to your daily regimen

By Sasha McGregorPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

You are what you eat: How your diet affects your health

You are what you eat is more than just a cliche that gets tossed around when someone decides to try a new diet. It is a scientifically proven fact! The foods that we eat do more than just fuel our bodies, they also serve as our building blocks. If you are looking for foods that will help you improve your health, here are a number of foods to try.

Overall Health

If you are searching for foods to help your overall health, there are a number of foods that you should add to your diet. Nuts; such as almonds, walnuts, and Brazil nuts; are packed full of nutrients, antioxidants, and healthy fats. They help to lower blood sugar levels, fight off some types of cancer, and help lower blood pressure. Oats and wheat germ are also great additions for a healthier overall diet. Both are excellent sources of soluble fiber, which has been shown to help lower cholesterol. They are both also high in folic acid, B vitamins, and fatty acids. Don't forget to add a veritable rainbow of fruits and vegetables for a healthier you. Apples come in a wide variety of colors and are packed full of flavor and antioxidants. They are also incredibly versatile to cook with, making them an easy addition to anyone's diet. They are also known to lower bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol.

Improving Skin and Hair

If you are looking for ways to improve your skin or how to stimulate hair growth, there are also a number of foods that you can add to your diet to help with these. Fatty fish; such as herring, mackerel, and salmon; are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids and work wonders for improving skin health. They work to keep skin thick, supple, and hydrated. Avocados are also high in fatty acids, help keep skin moisturized, and help protect it from UV damage. If you're looking to improve the health of your hair, look no further than eggs. Eggs are rich in both protein and biotin, both necessary for proper function of hair follicles. Berries are also an easy addition to your diet that will benefit your hair. They are high in vitamin C, which has strong antioxidant properties and assists with the production of collagen. Fatty fish and spinach also help with hair growth and the overall condition of your hair.

Specific Health Issues

If you are looking to add foods to your diet to help with specific health issues, there are also a wide variety of foods to turn to. For overall eye health, consider adding red peppers, bok choy, papaya, strawberries, dark leafy greens, and sunflower seeds. These foods are best consumed raw, as cooking has been known to deplete the nutrients needed for eye health. If you wish to improve the health of your heart, add dark leafy vegetables, whole grains, and fatty acids to your diet. To enhance brain function and memory, include dark chocolate, berries, coffee, and eggs for their brain boosting effects. To improve digestion, be sure to consume more yogurt, apples, fennel, apples, and fermented foods, such as kefir and sauerkraut.

As you can see from the examples above, eating the right foods can have a direct impact on a whole range of health issues. No matter what area of your body you would like to improve, there is a food out there that can help you achieve the results you desire. In fact, there are most likely a number of foods that you can add to your diet that will have both short term and long term effects on your overall health.


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